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Nondual Embodiment
 feels like 
Wholeness of Being

“The unity of oneself and one’s surroundings is called nonduality...

The body is our instrument of realization. 

Enlightenment occurs in and through the body.”

- Judith Blackstone -

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Nonduality is also Called

Self-knowing Awareness
Buddha-nature / Buddhadharma
Christ Consciousness

Pure Consciousness
Cosmic Consciousness
Unitive Consciousness
Fundamental Consciousness

You may know nonduality...

If you are a meditator or thinker,

 as absolute clarity of mind.

If you are a devotee, 

 as pure unconditional love.

If you are a dancer or athlete,
as stillness at the center of movement.

If you are a human...

As oneness with nature arising as beauty or reverence
Filling your heart in unity with community
When you are “in the flow” of the moment
As spontaneous arising of expression or connection

Receiving life each moment just as it is

Embodiment means
you inhabit your body.

Aware of your body...

you perceive your thoughts, emotions, sensations, mostly from the outside or the surface of yourself. Your body feels like an object that you seek to penetrate or pry open with your perception and cognition.

Inhabit your body...

you live within the whole internal space of your body. You experience your perceptions and cognitions from the inside. You are present and feel self-contact within your body

Experience the difference between being aware of your body and inhabiting your body:
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“...The simple process of embodiment
contributes to psychological health. Through the cultivation of living within one’s body, we are able to experience increased self-possession... The experience of having internal volume, of ‘taking up space’ in the body, can help us feel less overwhelmed... to stay in contact with our own perceptions and needs in relationship with other people.”

-Judith Blackstone

What you gain from cultivating Nondual Embodiment:

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Internal Contact.

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Spacious Clarity of Mind.

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Oneness of Love.

Wholeness of Being (uninterrupted Stillness + Movement).

Self-Environment Unity (Relational Field).

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ongoing experience of Belonging.

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Internal Cohesion of Subject (you) and Object (other/environment/Aliveness).

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Mental, emotional and physical fluidity and transparency.

You at the Unbreakable Center of
All Life’s Experience.

Nondual Embodiment is a Cohesive Experience

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You feel settled in/with the still spaciousness of Ground of Being.

You feel balanced and aligned with Earth’s Gravity.

You feel located at the very Center of all Experience.

You feel attuned to the Qualities of the Ground of Being in your body.

You feel your Presence as the transparent Emptiness of Wholeness.

You feel at-one, Unified with All that Is, yet uniquely autonomous.

You feel clear, available, and Able to Receive life just as it is.

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Nonduality is Only an Idea Until You
Experience It

Inside & Outside

 Your Body

An Adventure in Nondual Embodiment

The Intention of this site is to help humans live subjectively, inside their bodies, rather than objectively, only on the surface of themselves. The consequence of this journey is the awakening of a hidden wisdom: an unacknowledged level of Aliveness - the Ground of Being.

The purpose is not to deliver services, but to provide a space to explore, learn, and embody your experience.

The site is intended as an experiential journey of perspectives and contemplations. The offering is guided practices to help you re-member parts of your being that have been inadvertently left out.

Begin your Nondual Embodiment adventurewith The Ground of Being:

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Want to Contribute?

Add your experience, thoughts, feelings and questions in the community forum...

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Experience Nondual Embodiment


©2024 by Nondual Embodiment Candace Cave.

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